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Understanding PERC Solar Cells: An Overview and Leading Suppliers in China

Understanding PERC Solar Cells: An Overview and Leading Suppliers in China

The global shift towards renewable energy has accelerated the development and deployment of advanced solar technologies. Among these innovations, Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) technology has gained significant traction in the photovoltaic (PV) industry. This article will explore what PERC solar cells are, their benefits, and the leading suppliers in China that are at the forefront of this technology.

What Are PERC Solar Cells?

PERC solar cells are a type of high-efficiency solar cell that enhances the traditional silicon solar cell structure. The primary innovation in PERC technology lies in the addition of a passivation layer on the rear side of the solar cell. This layer improves light absorption and reduces recombination losses, allowing the cells to convert more sunlight into electricity.

Traditional solar cells have a front surface that absorbs sunlight but a rear surface that can reflect light back out of the cell. The PERC design mitigates this issue by incorporating a dielectric material, usually made of aluminum oxide or silicon nitride, which reflects unabsorbed light back into the cell. This allows for higher efficiency rates, making PERC solar cells more competitive in the market.

Advantages of PERC Technology

  1. Higher Efficiency: PERC solar cells can achieve efficiency rates of over 22%, compared to around 15-17% for conventional cells. This increased efficiency means that PERC cells can generate more electricity from the same amount of sunlight.

  2. Better Performance in Low Light: PERC technology excels in low-light conditions, making it ideal for regions with less sunlight or for applications such as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).

  3. Thermal Tolerance: PERC cells demonstrate better performance in high-temperature environments. This characteristic is crucial for solar installations in hot climates, where traditional cells may experience efficiency losses.

  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Despite the initial investment being slightly higher due to the advanced technology, the long-term energy yield and durability of PERC cells can lead to lower overall costs per watt.

  5. Versatility: PERC technology can be integrated into various solar panel designs, making it suitable for residential, commercial, and utility-scale applications.

Leading Suppliers of PERC Solar Cells in China

China is a global leader in solar energy production, accounting for a significant share of the world's solar panel manufacturing. Several companies have emerged as key players in the PERC solar cell market. Below are some of the leading suppliers in China:

1. LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Understanding PERC Solar Cells: An Overview and Leading Suppliers in China

LONGi Green Energy is one of the largest manufacturers of monocrystalline solar cells and modules in the world. The company has heavily invested in PERC technology and has been a pioneer in the development of high-efficiency PERC solar cells. LONGi’s products are renowned for their performance and reliability, making them a preferred choice for many solar projects globally.

2. Trina Solar Limited

Trina Solar is another major player in the Chinese solar market, offering a wide range of solar products, including PERC modules. The company’s PERC technology has been recognized for its innovation and efficiency, and Trina Solar has consistently ranked among the top solar manufacturers worldwide. With a strong focus on research and development, Trina continues to push the boundaries of solar technology.

3. JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.

JA Solar is one of the largest solar cell producers in China and has made significant advancements in PERC technology. The company’s PERC solar cells are known for their high efficiency and excellent performance in various environmental conditions. JA Solar also emphasizes sustainability and has implemented various eco-friendly practices in its manufacturing processes.

4. Canadian Solar Inc.

Although headquartered in Canada, Canadian Solar has extensive manufacturing operations in China. The company is recognized for its high-performance PERC solar modules that cater to both residential and commercial markets. Canadian Solar’s commitment to quality and innovation has solidified its position as a leader in the global solar industry.

5. GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited

GCL-Poly is one of the largest integrated solar manufacturers in the world. The company produces a wide array of solar products, including PERC solar cells. GCL-Poly focuses on reducing costs while maintaining high efficiency, making its products competitive in various markets. The company’s scale of production allows it to meet the growing demand for solar energy solutions.

6. First Solar, Inc.

Although First Solar is an American company, it has a strong presence in the Chinese solar market. The company is known for its thin-film solar technology but has also ventured into PERC technology to complement its product offerings. First Solar’s commitment to sustainability and innovation has made it a significant player in the global solar industry.


PERC solar cells represent a significant advancement in solar technology, offering higher efficiency and better performance than traditional solar cells. As the world increasingly turns to renewable energy sources, the demand for innovative solar solutions like PERC technology will continue to grow. China’s leading suppliers in this sector, including LONGi Green Energy, Trina Solar, JA Solar, Canadian Solar, GCL-Poly, and First Solar, are well-positioned to meet this demand and drive the solar industry forward. By investing in research and development, these companies are not only enhancing the efficiency of solar cells but also contributing to a sustainable energy future. As PERC technology becomes more widespread, it holds the potential to significantly impact global energy generation and consumption patterns.

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